Lebanon Valley Rails to Trails (LVRT)
Services Provided
Feasibility Study
Grant Assistance
Preliminary & Final Engineering
PennDOT/ PaDCNR Coordination
Bidding Consultation
Construction Consultation
Lebanon County
WCG has helped be a driving force behind development of this trail system. Since its inception we have assisted in all phases of Engineering coordinating with stakeholders, helping guide property acquistion, engineering designs, and inspecting construction. The trail has included the reclamation and adaptation of almost 19 Miles of an abandoned railbed and canal towpath along with two trusses adapted to accommodate pedestrian and bike users, countless beam structures, and unique tunnels to safely convey users free of motorized traffic.
Key Highlights
The trail uniquely winds from Southern Lebanon County through picturesque agriculture, woods, and urban streetscapes on a historic railbed and an even older canal and lock system which once carried bounties of coal from the North to other canals and rail lines eventually making it to Philadelphia or the iron ore furnaces in the Southern portions of Lebanon County. The trail which began South of Lebanon in 2000 has grown to almost 19 miles to date. The most recent portions of the trail were completed North of Lebanon City and are the guide for future connections into the City and North to Pa DCNR’s Swatara State Park.