Whittaker Bridge
Services Provided
Feasibility Study
Preliminary and Final Bridge Design
Construction Consultation
Construction Inspection
Schuylkill River Greenways National Heritage Area
The Richard P. Whittaker, MD Memorial Bridge carries the Thun Section of the Schuylkill River Trail (SRT) over SR 724 in Birdsboro, Berks County, PA. The structure consists of a 115 ft single span prestressed concrete composite adjacent box beam bridge supported on full height reinforced concrete abutments and founded on spread footings. The approach trail alignment is supported by MSE walls on horizontally curved alignments.
Key Highlights
The completion of the Whittaker Bridge eliminated the previous at-grade crossing and now provides trail users a safe and direct route over SR 724 from Pottstown to Birdsboro. By locating the abutments away from the roadway and re-grading of the site, this project has significantly improved sight distance for motorists making turns at the adjacent intersection of SR 724 and N. Main Street. During excavation for the project, the contractor uncovered a portion of the original eastern railroad bridge abutment. This large stone wall was incorporated into the project as a means to provide a connection between past heritage and future use.