Wilson College Lane over Conococheague Creek
Services Provided
Condition Assessment of Existing Bridges
Bridge Type Study
Preliminary Design
Final Design
Construction Bidding
Shop Drawing Reviews
Consultation During Construction
Construction Inspection
Wilson College
Project consisted of replacement of two (2) existing load-posted, one-lane bridges over the Conococheague Creek and Overflow Channel. The existing bridge spanning the Conococheague Creek was replaced with a two-lane single-span prestressed composite concrete adjacent box beam bridge atop cantilever abutments with spread footings, providing a normal clear span of 68’-0” and a center/center of bearing span of 70’-0”. The existing bridge spanning the Overflow Channel was replaced with a Corrugated Metal Pipe Arch Culvert (47” rise & 71” span). Additional work included relocation of a portion of a 30” diameter sanitary sewer line, approximately 465’ of full depth roadway reconstruction, traffic safety features, and other miscellaneous construction.
Key Highlights
The new structures are capable of carrying all legal loads while the improved roadway alignment and widening accommodates emergency vehicles, horse trailers and athletic buses. A sidewalk was provided on the beam bridge to allow pedestrians safe access across the creek.